by Brayla Sana | Jan 2, 2020 | Camera, Functions, LSL, OSSL, Wiki
llClearCameraParams() Resets all camera parameters to default values and turns off scripted camera control. Requires llRequestPermissions(key agent, PERMISSION_CONTROL_CAMERA). The agent (avatar camera) this function targets is the agent that gave...
by Dadiella Nightwing | Oct 10, 2017 | Agent and Avatar, Functions, LSL, OSSL, Wiki
llDetachFromAvatar() Detaches the scripted object from the avatar it’s attached to. Requires PERMISSION_ATTACH (via llRequestPermissions). After detaching, the attach() event hander is called with the value NULL_KEY. Calling this...
by Brayla Sana | Jun 16, 2017 | Chat, Communications, LSL, OSSL, Wiki
llDialog(key id, string message, list buttons, integer chat_channel) Shows the user specified by id a popup dialog box (in the upper right corner of their viewer window)...
by Brayla Sana | Jun 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
llEjectFromLand(key user) Ejects user from land that you own– user will be automatically unsat if sitting. Ejecting means pushing upwards and away from your land. This is not hindered by objects; ejected users will go right through them. Note: when dealing with...
by Brayla Sana | Aug 9, 2021 | Camera, Functions
llForceMouselook(integer mouselook) After calling this function with mouselook set to TRUE, any agent sitting down on the prim will be forced into mouselook. Just like llSitTarget, this changes a...