
Bitwise operators are used to manipulate integers that represent bitfields. Click on an operator below to scroll directly to the position of its description. Operator Name Usage Reference & AND integer & integer = integer | OR integer | integer = integer ~ NOT...


Binary operators accept two parameters and return a single value. Most binary operators are defined for many different types of input like list, float, vector.  Binary Operators: Operator Type Meaning Return Value Effect + Arithmetic Addition Sum of inputs None...


The most common arithmetic operation is assignment, denoted with the “=” sign (single equal sign). Loosely translated, it means, take what is found on the right side of the equal sign and assign it to the left side. Any expression that evaluates to a...


In mathematics, an operator is a symbol that expresses the operation to be performed. In LSL, operators perform simple “common-sense” operations on values. The assignment operators are special in that the left hand side of the operation must be a variable....