by Brayla Sana | May 29, 2018 | Agent and Avatar, Functions, LSL, OSSL, Wiki
Avatars can sit on objects and the ground. Avatars cannot sit on attachments. (One way to fake this would be a separate object that “followed” the target avatar using a sensor and llMoveToTarget, but there...
by Brayla Sana | Dec 18, 2017 | Agent and Avatar, Animation, Functions, LSL, OSSL, Wiki
Animation is the technique of using frames (or steps) to give the illusion of smooth movement. In SL, avatars can be animated using the animation inventory item type. Animations move (animate) avatars. There is a set...
by Brayla Sana | Nov 13, 2017 | Agent and Avatar, Functions, LSL, OSSL, Wiki
Chat functions allow objects and agents to communicate with each other and among themselves. Chat in Second Life uses channels. Channel 0 is the public chat channel all users see as chat text. There is...
by Brayla Sana | Nov 13, 2017 | Agent and Avatar, Functions, LSL, OSSL, Wiki
llStopPointAt(); Stops avatar pointing at the position set with llPointAt. According to Kelly Linden, llPointAt and llStopPointAt have been deprecated since mid-beta, but remain without a replacement to this day. (SL...
by Brayla Sana | Oct 15, 2017 | Agent and Avatar, Functions, LSL, OSSL, Wiki
llStopAnimation(string anim) Stops the animation anim. In order for this to work, the script must have the PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission on an avatar....