
A variable is an identifier or name of a place to store information in a script. The process of creating a variable is called “variable declaration”, “declaring a variable” or “defining a variable”. A variable always has a type...


NOT is unlike the other bitwise operators in that it does not perform an operation on two bitfields. It only performs an operation on one. What it does is reverse the bitfield; if a bit was previously 0, it is changed to 1, and vice versa.   Truth Table: NOT...


A rotation is a variable type comprising 4 floats used together as a single item. This data is interpreted as a quaternion. As with vectors, each component can be accessed via ‘.x’, ‘.y’, ‘.z’, and ‘.s’ (not...


Serialization is the process of saving an object onto a storage medium (such as a file, or a memory buffer) or to transmit it across a network connection link such as a socket either as a series of bytes or in some human-readable format such as XML. The series of...


A vector is 3 float values used together as a single item–usually representing a direction or magnitude. In LSL and OSSL, vector literals are formatted as <x,y,z>. A vector can be used to represent a 3-dimensional position, direction, velocity, force,...