
integer llSameGroup(key id); Returns TRUE if the agent/object associated with id has the same active group (and is currently in the same simulator) as the object the script is in. If not, this function returns FALSE. Note: “group” does not refer to links...


key llRequestAgentData(key id, integer data) This function requests information of type data (see constants below) about agent id. The information is returned via the dataserver event. The key returned by this function is the query id for the dataserver event. id must...


llInstantMessage(key user, string message) Sends an IM to user containing message and delays the script for 2 seconds. This delay exists to prevent IM spamming. To message the object owner, llOwnerSay(messsage) is the best option as it does not delay the script. To...


llGiveMoney(key destination, integer amount) Transfers amount of Linden dollars from the script owner to destination. Requires the PERMISSION_DEBIT run-time permission. destination can only be an avatar, not an object or a group. The recipient does not need to be in...


Function: integer llGetRegionAgentCount( ); Returns an integer that is the number of avatars in the region. Caveats The value returned by this function is technically the average number of agents who were in the region for the past second, rounded to the nearest...