
vector llGetAgentSize(key id) If id is in the same sim region as the script calling this function, it returns a vector representing the size of the avatar. This is useful for approximating the height of the avatar. This function returns a ZERO_VECTOR when...


string llGetAnimation(key id) Returns the current basic animation state for avatar id.  The basic animation states are the simplest description of the avatar’s posture. Here’s a list of basic animations states returned by this function: Crouching...


integer llGetAttached() Returns the object’s attachment point (or 0 if not attached) to the avatar. Valid values are: 0 Not attached ATTACH_CHEST 1 chest (roughly the sternum) ATTACH_HEAD 2 top of head (skull)...


vector llGetCameraPos() Returns the position of the camera of the user that granted the script PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA. If no user has granted the permission, it returns ZERO_VECTOR. Q: Is this in region coordinates? A: Yes. To determine...


rotation llGetCameraRot() Returns the rotation of the camera of the user who’s granted this script PERMISSION_TRACK_CAMERA. If no user has granted the permission, it returns ZERO_ROTATION. The key of the user whose camera is being...