Builder’s Buddy Rez-Box for Opensim

Thanks to the OSGrid Forum for making the changes needed to make this excellent script work in Opensim. IMPORTANT: This Script generates notecards when you are creating your package – and notecard generation is a “high” threat level function. You...

FURWARE Text – Working in Opensim

Recently, while working on my Shoutcast script, I discovered a limitation in the osDraw commands that made them not usable in some applications.  Basically, I needed an old-school text displayer instead.  On the Inworldz grid I found a modified version of...

Teleport Via Landmark

Opens a map so the user can teleport to the landmark given.  Works in both SL and Opensim. // SCRIPT – TELEPORT VIA LANDMARK IN OBJECT //FREE SCRIPTS – TESTED AND WORKING ON KITELY // If you paid for this script, you were ripped off. // You may use in...